Electric scooters, rapidly becoming a practical and eco-friendly mode of transportation, are increasingly becoming an integral part of daily life. In this process, it is essential to develop a usage habit that does not disrupt urban living. Shared usage makes it easy to get from one point to another, but it is important to ensure that electric scooters are parked in a way that does not obstruct pedestrian traffic. Scooters parked on narrow sidewalks can make it particularly difficult for strollers or wheelchairs to pass. Although field teams quickly collect improperly parked scooters, preventing such situations entirely is a much more effective solution.

Electric scooter parking areas should be expanded

Electric scooters, one of the most effective solutions to urban traffic, provide fast and easy transportation for short-distance journeys. Expanding electric scooter parking areas is crucial to encouraging users to prefer these designated areas instead of sidewalk edges. BinBin has taken the initiative ahead of municipalities by establishing the first parking stations. Currently, there are 58 scooter parking stations in eight cities located near public transportation stops and shopping malls. The goal is to increase this number fivefold by the end of 2023.

Collaboration between the industry, public sector, and local governments

Efforts by the Ministry of Transportation and metropolitan municipalities to establish parking stations have also accelerated. Sharing data with these institutions, such as scooter density and generated heat maps, contributes to the establishment of functional parking stations in the right locations.

Making parking stations attractive for users

For electric scooter users, the availability of a nearby parking station and clear directions to reach it are critical. BinBin highlights areas that negatively affect pedestrian access within its app, enforcing parking restrictions in these zones. At the same time, nearby parking stations are marked as attractive areas, offering discounts for ending rides there.

To enjoy a convenient and fun journey while being environmentally conscious and contributing to improved urban living, download the BinBin mobile app now. Once you’ve downloaded the app, you can locate the nearest electric scooters on the map, scan the QR code on the scooter, choose your preferred riding mode, and start your journey. Leave traffic behind and reach your destination with an enjoyable ride, contributing to a more livable city for everyone by parking your scooter at the nearest electric scooter parking station.