Electric scooters are becoming more and more widespread due to their practical use and environmentally friendly technology. The waterproof level of scooters is among the curious issues. Electric scooters, which are an important part of urban transportation, are micromobility vehicles used in all seasons. E-scooters are also widely used on rainy days. So how waterproof are electric scooters?
Are Electric Scooters Waterproof?
E-scooters are very popular for being a zero-carbon means of transportation, having a high range and safe use. In good weather, it is possible to see dozens of e-scooters in city centers and coastal promenades. But what about in the rain? For those who wonder the answer to the question of whether electric scooters are waterproof, let’s look at the water resistance of e-scooters.
A safe ride is very important in scooter models preferred in the city or in natural environments. Weather conditions are also among the main factors that come to mind when it comes to safe driving. First of all, it should be known that e-scooters have a wide range of brand-model scales, which means that each model has a different water resistance power. Most of the electric scooter models are resistant to water and can be used in the rain, but the level of rain is also an important criterion for driving safety.
Are E-Scooters Safe in the Rain?
Although e-scooter models have various differences on the basis of brand-model and concept, they generally have a close design approach. When looking at the water resistance of electric scooters, firstly, the rain protection structure of the design and equipment, and secondly, the water resistance test level can be considered.
The gasket components in the construction of electric scooters are produced in quality to prevent water from entering the scooter. In addition, there are sealed design details in the internal structure of the scooters. Details that provide a water protection structure, sealed design details express an e-scooter’s resistance to water.
Water resistance can be learned through the IP rating on e-scooters and other electronic devices. The IP rating gives the degree of water resistance of a vehicle, device.
Can You Ride an Electric Scooter in the Rain?
Waterproof electric scooters keep the vehicle safe against the effects of basic precipitation. If the electric motors of e-scooters come into contact with water, they can stop working.
While the two-wheeled electric scooter offers a practical riding experience, it is a vehicle that needs to be careful when riding in the city and in natural areas. Rain is not a very favorable environment for riding electric scooters. Although the thick-wheeled electric scooter makes it possible to ride in rainy weather, it is a mystery which parts of the road hold water during scooter use. For this reason, except in light rainy conditions, scooter use can be suspended when there is a downpour and visibility is reduced.
With a range of up to 35 kilometers and an average speed of 25 kilometers, the electric scooter has eliminated many important problems in urban transportation. However, the most important point to consider when traveling is safety. It is important to use equipment such as knee pads and helmets while driving, as well as taking into account the weather conditions. Although e-scooters are waterproof, using e-scooters in extremely rainy environments is risky and can lead to accidents.