Scooters are considered one of the most effective ways to navigate crowded streets with minimal fuss and in great comfort. Because they are agile, maneuverable, affordable and versatile. Whether you’re heading to work or exploring the outdoors, riding an electric scooter can be a great way to travel. While it’s easy to ride an electric scooter in summer, you need to be extra careful in winter. For this, it’s important to know the type of scooter that performs well in winter, along with tips to keep you safe. Here are the ins and outs of riding an electric scooter in snow and ice!
Tips for Electric Scooters used in Winter
Riding an electric scooter is child’s play when conditions are perfect. However, everything can change when it comes to the experience of riding an electric scooter in winter. You need to pay attention to many details, from your scooter’s wheels to the type of surface, from your clothes to your riding technique. Whether you want to find out if your scooter is winterproof or if you want to use it in the winter months, there are things to consider when buying a scooter. Features that winter-resistant electric scooters should have:
● Strong IP water resistance ratings
Pneumatic tires instead of hard tires
Wider, larger or deeper patterned tires that prevent slipping and provide extra traction
Dual motors for more control on slippery surfaces
Powerful brakes and anti-lock braking systems (ABS)
High quality battery unaffected by low temperatures
Good balance and build quality
Water Protection
Not all scooters have a high IP rating. This rating determines the resistance of various scooter parts to water ingress. Snow, rain and other puddles are considered a major threat to the scooter. That’s why the electric scooter you choose for winter should be extremely water resistant. An important factor that water-resistant scooters often include is that they are more resistant to rust and corrosion, which can often occur due to the salt that city governments spray on the streets to melt the ice.IPX ratings 4 and 5 provide adequate water protection, but the ideal protection is IPX6 and above. Off-road scooters can also be used as excellent winter scooters due to their resistance to harsh conditions. They are usually much more powerful than standard scooters and have great off-road tires and many functions that make the ride more stable.
Winter Resistant Tire Features
Lastikler, elektrikli scooter’ınızın kontrolünüz altında olan en önemli noktası ve scooter’ın zeminle doğrudan bağlantı kuran tek bileşenidir. Daha iyi bir tutuşa sahip ve daha yumuşak bir sürüş sundukları için tekerleklerinizin pnömatik olması gerekir. Ayrıca lastiğinizi şişirerek veya havasını indirerek ne kadar lastik yüzey alanının yolla temas edeceğini ayarlayabilirsiniz. Lastiklerde dikkat etmeniz gereken ikinci öneli detay ise desenlerdir. Kışa uygun olduğundan emin olmak için lastiğinizin sırt desenini kontrol etmelisiniz. Derin oluklar tutuşu artırarak buzlu yollarda kayma olasılığını azaltacağı için kalın ve derin desenleri tercih edebilirsiniz.
Brake System
Another vital component to consider when riding an electric scooter in winter is your brakes. Since it’s harder to slow down and stop on icy roads, it becomes even harder to use your brakes. It is best to use your scooter with disc brakes as they provide strong braking power in both wet and dry conditions. Disc brakes are also lightweight and easy to maintain. An additional feature to look out for is the anti-lock braking system (ABS). This brake system improves stopping power, especially on ice. It also prevents wheel lock-up, which prevents you from spinning out of control on slippery surfaces.
Dual Motor
Having dual motors at the front and rear of a scooter can be a big advantage. First of all, it offers better weight distribution. With higher weight distribution you get more stability and traction. And high stability and traction are great for quick acceleration and control on slippery surfaces. It also improves handling, especially when going up and down hills with an electric scooter. So you are less affected by snow and ice and can travel more safely.
High Quality Battery
Battery quality determines how far you can travel before you need to recharge. With this in mind, you can choose an electric scooter with a lithium-ion battery. This scooter allows you to ride for 75 minutes on a full charge thanks to the lithium-ion battery. Another feature of lithium-ion batteries is their light weight and high density. Despite their small size, they can hold a lot of power and retain their capacity for many years. They are ideal for winter because they are highly resistant to cold and work best in all conditions with minimal maintenance.
Winter Guide: Safe Ways to Ride a Scooter
Riding a scooter safely in difficult conditions and on slippery surfaces in winter is not only about the characteristics of your scooter. The way you ride also determines your safety on icy and snowy roads. Here are some tips for safe scooter riding in winter:
● Slow down and steer more carefully, especially on slippery surfaces.
Give your tires some air.
Replace your standard tires with wider or all-terrain tires.
Tighten your brakes a little.
Plan your route in advance.
Take better care of your battery in winter.
Do not charge your scooter immediately after riding in the cold.
Charge your battery often and don’t let it run empty.
Winter days are shorter – ride to save power.
Clean your electric scooter properly and often.
Dress warmly and protect yourself from the wind.
Wear as much safety equipment as possible.
Must-Have Scooter Equipment for the Winter Season
The tips above will help you to ride an electric bike safely in winter. But you can go one step further by making sure you have the necessary equipment.
Safety Precautions: Your scooter outfit is not complete without helmet elbow and knee pads. This safety gear is important at any time of the year, but even more so when riding a scooter in winter. If you will be traveling near roads, it is a good idea to use a full-face helmet for maximum protection.
Clothing: Make sure you dress appropriately for the weather conditions. Wear layered clothing to keep yourself warm. Gloves are also very important. Not only are they uncomfortable when your hands are cold, but they can also make it difficult to steer and brake. It is best to wear reflective clothing when riding a scooter during the winter season. Being noticed in low light conditions always makes you safer. Even if you are not traveling on the roads, you may want to be as visible as possible.
Lights: If your electric scooter does not already have lights, it is advisable to get some. The ideal lights should be bright enough to attract the attention of oncoming traffic and pedestrians while illuminating the ground in front of you.
Mudguards: To prepare for the winter season, it is advisable to install mudguards on your electric scooter. Mudguards prevent the tires from spraying mud and snow on your clothes. When you complete all these preparations, your electric scooter will be suitable for winter conditions.